Tuesday 14 July 2009

Macmillan Cancer Care

Fundraising possibilities with Macmillan

Following meeting at Macmillan HQ on 9 July there is the possibility of participating in Fundraising days in Bromley, Kent in August / September 2009

poetry4you.co.uk personalised poetry samples will be displayed on the Macmillan stand in Bromley's " The Glades " Shopping Centre , with an agreed percentage being donated to Macmillan.

Dates will be advised when confirmed.

Wednesday 1 July 2009

Macmillan Cancer Care

I am meeting Macmillan at their London Head Office next week to discuss a possible website link with them. We all know what fantastic support they give to families affected by Cancer , and I would like to make a positive contribution in a practical way.

As you can see from my website I write Eulogies and Sympathy Poems , and I will make an agreed donation to Macmillan for every poem written - if the customer gets my details via Macmillan's website.

Will keep you posted.

Visit : http://www.poetry4you.co.uk/sympathy-poem.shtml

Fundraiser for Keston Pre-School

The 12th June fundraiser at Keston Village Hall was not massively attended , but we still had a great time. You've all heard about speed-dating - well I introduced a free " speed poetry writing " interlude , inviting ladies to share private stories and anecdotes on their friends, which I then converted into amusing 3 or 4 verse poems. When you've got about 15 minutes only to come up with something it certainly keeps you on your toes !! None of them will help me become Poet Laureat but at least more people know what I'm capable of , and it helps get the name known.

Wednesday 10 June 2009

Golden Wedding Anniversary Poem

A friend of a friend approached me in a panic 3 days ago. She's a teacher in Bromley, and wanted a special gift for her parents Golden Wedding Anniversary this Saturday. In their 80 something years they've just about got everything, materially, and she thought a personalised poem was " different "

I managed to write, frame, and deliver it to her today.

To view the poem visit : http://www.poetry4you.co.uk/anniversary-poem.shtml

Friday 29 May 2009

Meet Stewart

If you're in the Bromley area on Friday 12 June 2009, there's a fund raising evening for Keston Pre-School at the Keston Village Hall, Heathfield Road, BR2 6BA from 7.30 PM to 10.30 PM

Stewart will have samples of his poems on display. If you can't make it please visit :


Submitted to Newsnight Review on 29 May 2009

I entered a poem as part of the BBC poetry season

Here it is :


We learned Sir Fred was shaken
As the vandals took their toll
Though we can't condone their actions
If you took a UK poll
I think you'd find a landslide
Of anger and dismay
At the greed and false contrition
On Banking's blackest day

No need to shed a tear, though
Or start to feel too " down "
We'll pass the hat for Darling
And good old Gordon Brown
" We couldn't see it coming
It's a global thing, you see
You can trust us, we're MP's, you know
Both Alistair and me "

And what of all the others ?
The Coopers and the Balls
" Flipping " , for the hell of it
In the Parliamentary Halls
I've heard there's Bills for cleaning moats,
And some to treat Dry-Rot
For Second homes, and Garden Gnomes
But do they give a jot ?